|1-Umm Kenco here. Hehe, just read through some of The Word 14. It's nice to see so much variety in the articles. Those quizzes were 'kin 'ard! I thought I knew a fair bit about Great A'Tuin's Four heffalumps, the Discworld and its inhabitants. But, I didn't. And also, what kind of question is "How many mice watched the rocket blast off?" Eh? You what? I know it's in A Grand Day Out, but... eh? Those were buggeringly hard questions!! Now, onto something else... |1-This is where I die.. I recently took up driving lessons, seeing the need to throw myself upon an unsuspecting mobile public. Well, the first couple of lessons were okay, I managed gear-changing, clutch-control, reversing, junctions.. all the basic stuff, then the inevitable happened.. |1-Yup, I'm going to die It got "a bit tougher" as I was introduced to "real traffic". Urm.. well, everything went okay. Ish. Roundabouts. Now there's a thing to behold. "Fair enough", I thought. I know where I'M going. I'VE read it in the Highway Code, and everything. Urm.. well, I got it right, eventually. It really was quite amazing that I, nor any other road user in a 100-yard radius, didn't hit anything. The other road-users, I think, were aware of my driving capabilities due to the pyramid on top of the roof. (By the way, how does that stay on? Does it have a big magnet in it or something?) Then there was my unerring ability to speed up While Going Round The Corners, much like a scene from the Dukes of Hazzard. Then there was the problem with setting the gas, the accelerator is Very Sensitive, so only a "light tap" revs the engine up so much I thought we were going to take off. But it's starting to pull together now. A bit. I'm starting to recognise where i should be doing things, like slowing down BEFORE you come to the junction. Anyone wishing to take up driving lessons, I'd advise it. It's great fun. Honest. Yeh, go and pay someone loads of money for, quite literally, the Ride of Your Life. The first time it's "quite exciting" as everything's new, but when your introduced to real traffic, it gets very daunting. Well, I'm off. I've got a driving lesson tomorrow. -kenco decaffeinated/carnage- $ff5 [Don't worry about it. It took me 3 goes to pass. First time I failed for speeding and the second time I failed because I went over an unmarked crossroads in a housing estate. My mates all passed first time and they've all had accidents! I was the passenger in one as we came off a main road at 60mph and crashed into a field and rolled several times. I was in intensive care for a while and it wasn't pleasant with all those f'ing tubes going in my arms. Hope I haven't put you off driving. ;) It's cool though especially tripping through the countryside in my classic car. Kei] $fff end